Issues Management
" When faced with a complex human resource issue, it is often prudent to seek advice from a trustworthy outsider with experience and expertise in managing and resolving potentially dangerous situations confidentially."

Examples of assignments I’ve undertaken:
- “High-potential” leader on a rotational assignment whose actions have crippled a once-prosperous division. His political connections within the larger organization added complexity to the situation.
- Midlevel executive whose intimidating behaviors had alienated a once-effective team. Only after several talented employees left the firm was the problem brought to light.
- Minor equity partner who had sabotaged operations and client relationships. When confronted, he launched a barrage of lawsuits demanding exorbitant bonus awards and damages.
- Business partner whose actions have led to a criminal fraud investigation. He had implicated his (innocent) partner with false accusations causing great difficulty for all concerned.
"In these examples and others, I worked with the organization to assess the situation and the person in question, identify available options, and then develop a strategy and tactics to achieve a resolution to the management issue."
- Confidentiality
- Available via telephone for ad hoc as well as scheduled meetings
- 25+ years management experience at corporate and division levels
- Licensed Psychologist, Industrial / Organizational
- Work with all levels from line management through CEOs
- Extensive succession planning & executive / management development experience
- Personal and career development coaching experience
- Work as a member of your legal team
"...Thanks for your help in resolving one of our personnel challenges...the issue would have lingered had you not given us such sound advice." VP-HR
"...Thank you again for your quick response to our ‘crisis!’ As before, your insights were extremely helpful and [CEO] especially liked your clear delineation of our options. I'm sure we'll call upon you, again..." VP-Finance
"...Thanks for working with our legal team on the [personnel issue]. We especially appreciate you being on-call as things heated up." CEO / Entrepreneur
"..After reading your book, I realized I had a problem bigger than I imagined. You described our problem to a T. Thanks for your responsiveness and help." CEO
"I want to thank you again so much for spending so much of your time on my situation. You are truly an insightful, kind and caring person. I now see the direction I need to take..." Senior Director
"Your advice has been incredibly helpful." VP-Sales
"Today's [legal] meeting went better than expected--your prep helped me a great deal...and the stress was manageable, much easier going having worked out the contingencies with you. Thank you." Sr. VP
"The turnaround we've seen in [name] has been remarkable. Thank you for helping..." VP-HR