My View

" Building a strong relationship with each coaching and consulting client is very important to me. "
" Understanding your values, needs and expectations is critical to finding common ground upon which to work. "
" Working with valid information, supporting free choice, and building internal commitment are three values that form the foundation of my approach. "
Valid Information

Before any solution is developed or change can take place, all of the facts must be taken into account.
As your business coach, I will help analyze the business and management issues facing you and root out what is really going on. Together we will get at the truth, regardless of how pleasant or unpleasant it is.
As your personal coach, we will analyze your talents, short-falls, experiences and aspirations together and create an integrated picture of who you really are. I will share my feedback as we work together, and help you resolve any unanswered questions.
Free Choice

Life is all about choices. While valid information is necessary in order to evaluate options, the freedom to make the final choice, in full appreciation of the pros and cons, is critical.
Together we will explore and challenge different options and possibilities, and work towards an evaluation of each, giving you the strongest position from which to make decisions.
Internal Commitment

While it goes without saying that commitment is the bedrock of success, I find it useful to state it clearly, up front and out loud.
Together we will explore the depth of your commitment to your decisions and resolve outstanding issues until you have a cohesive plan you truly want to achieve.
Please see the Contacts page for information about setting up an interview.